NutriPro vs WonderChef Nutri-Blend

If you are looking for a juicer mixer grinder that can help you make healthy and tasty drinks and dishes in minutes, you might be interested in the NutriPro vs WonderChef Nutri-Blend comparison.

These are two of the most popular products in the market, and they have different features, advantages, and disadvantages.

In this article, I will compare them based on various criteria, such as power, jars, blades, design, price, and availability, and help you decide which one to buy in India.

I have used both of these products myself and I will share my honest opinion and experience with you.



Summary – NutriPro vs WonderChef Nutri-Blend

Before I give you my recommendation, do keep in mind that there are multiple models available under the WonderChef Nutri-Blend brand. Make sure you choose the right one based on your needs.

If I had to buy one today, I would surely opt for this model by Wonderchef with my eyes closed. It has more power compared NutriPro, blends more evenly, and has spares and extra jars easily available for purchase.

However, if you are planning to use this blender while cooking your food (as a replacement for your regular mixer grinder) – Then Opt for this model.

The main difference between NutriPro and WonderChef is that NutriPro is offered to you as a single model (as is) While you have 4 different motor types to choose from in WonderChef. You can also choose the jar you need or buy additional ones later on.

WonderChef Nutri-Blend
Motor Capacity Price
400 W Click Here
500 W Click Here
600 W Click Here
1000 W Click Here



Comparison – NutriPro vs WonderChef

In this section, I will compare the two products based on various criteria, such as power, jars, blades, design, price, and availability. I will use tables or charts to present the comparison in a visual way.

NutriPro vs WonderChef - Review of Both Nutri Blenders


The power of a juicer mixer grinder indicates how powerful and efficient it is in processing food ingredients and extracting nutrients. The higher the power, the faster and better the grinding and blending performance. However, higher power also means higher electricity consumption and more noise and heat generation.

Product Power
NutriPro Juicer Mixer Grinder 500 W
Wonderchef Nutri-blend 400/500/600/1000 W


As you can see from the table above, the NutriPro Juicer Mixer Grinder has only one power option. While Wonderchef offers 4 different power options. Choose, a 400 W motor if you need it only for juicing or making a smoothie, while you can opt for higher wattage motors for other household tasks such as blending & grinding.


The jars of a juicer mixer grinder are the containers where you put your food ingredients for grinding or blending. The size, shape, material, and number of jars affect the quantity and quality of your food preparation. The more jars you have, the more options you have for making different types of dishes.

WonderChef Nutri-Blend Review

Product Jars
NutriPro Juicer Mixer Grinder 3 jars: 1.5 L liquidizing jar, 0.7 L dry grinding jar, 0.3 L chutney jar
Wonderchef Nutri-blend 4 jars: 500 ml long jar, 300 ml short jar, 400 ml juicer attachment, 250 ml chopper attachment


As you can see from the table above, the Wonderchef Nutri-blend has more jars than the NutriPro Juicer Mixer Grinder, which means it can handle more variety and quantity of food.

You can also buy these jars separately as you need them from their official site here.

However, this also means it may take more space and time to clean and store.


The blades of a juicer mixer grinder are the cutting edges that chop, grind, or blend your food ingredients. The material, shape, and number of blades affect the quality and consistency of your food.

The sharper and more durable the blades are, the better the grinding and blending performance.

Product Blades
NutriPro Juicer Mixer Grinder 2 blades: wet grinding blade and dry grinding blade
Wonderchef Nutri-blend 2 blades: blending blade and grinding blade


As you can see from the table above, both products have two blades that are made of stainless steel and are easy to attach and detach.

However, the blades of the Wonderchef Nutri-blend are more versatile and can handle both dry and wet grinding, as well as blending and juicing/smoothie making.

On the plus side, you can easily buy replacement blades by Wonderchef here.


The design of a juicer mixer grinder affects the appearance, functionality, and convenience of using the product. The design includes aspects such as the shape, size, weight, color, material, and features of the product.

NutriPro vs WonderChef Can they be used as Mixer Grinder

Product Design
NutriPro Juicer Mixer Grinder sleek and modern design; lightweight and compact body; corded electric power source; unbreakable transparent plastic jars; stainless steel blades; easy to store and carry
Wonderchef Nutri-blend compact and stylish design; hands-free operation feature; corded electric power source; unbreakable transparent plastic jars; stainless steel blades; easy to use without holding the lid or the jar


As you can see from the table above, both products have a similar design that is attractive and functional.

However, the Wonderchef Nutri-blend has a unique feature that allows you to use it hands-free without holding the lid or the jar. This may make it more convenient and safe to use.

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The price of a juicer mixer grinder is one of the most important factors that influence your purchase decision. The price depends on various factors such as the brand, quality, features, warranty, and availability of the product.

Product Price
NutriPro Juicer Mixer Grinder ₹2,999
Wonderchef Nutri-blend ₹2,499 to ₹5,999 depending on the model and the attachments


As you can see from the table above, the price range of the Wonderchef Nutri-blend is wider than that of the NutriPro Juicer Mixer Grinder.

This is because the Wonderchef Nutri-blend has three models with different wattage and features: 400 W, 500 W, 600 W, and 1000 W.

It also has some additional attachments and accessories that you can purchase separately or as a bundle.

The NutriPro Juicer Mixer Grinder has a single model with 500 W.


The availability of a juicer mixer grinder refers to how easy or difficult it is to find and buy the product online or offline. The availability depends on factors such as the stock, delivery, service, and warranty of the product.

NutriPro vs WonderChef Feature Comparison

Product Availability
NutriPro Juicer Mixer Grinder available on Amazon India; free delivery; 1-year warranty; easy returns; good customer support
Wonderchef Nutri-blend available on Amazon India and other websites; free delivery; 2-year warranty; easy returns; good customer support


As you can see from the table above, both products are easily available online on Amazon India and other websites. They also offer free delivery, warranty, easy returns, and good customer support.

However, the Wonderchef Nutri-blend has a longer warranty period than the NutriPro Juicer Mixer Grinder, which may give you more peace of mind.


In this article, I have compared the NutriPro Juicer Mixer Grinder and the Wonderchef Nutri-blend based on various criteria, such as power, jars, blades, design, price, and availability. I have also shared my personal opinion and experience with both products. Based on my comparison, I would recommend the Wonderchef Nutri-blend over the NutriPro Juicer Mixer Grinder for the following reasons:

  • The Wonderchef Nutri-blend has more options and features than the NutriPro Juicer Mixer Grinder. It has three models with different power and features: 400 W, 600 W, and 1000 W. It also has some additional attachments and accessories that you can purchase separately or as a bundle. This gives you more flexibility and versatility in making different types of dishes and beverages.
  • The Wonderchef Nutri-blend has a unique hands-free operation feature that allows you to use it without holding the lid or the jar. This makes it more convenient and safe to use. It also has a compact and stylish design that adds beauty to your kitchen.
  • The Wonderchef Nutri-blend has a longer warranty period than the NutriPro Juicer Mixer Grinder. It offers a 2-year warranty, while the NutriPro Juicer Mixer Grinder offers a 1-year warranty. This may give you more confidence and security in using the product.


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